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The Science of Happiness — How These 5 Simple Habits Rewire Your Brain
Discover the Transformative Power of 5 Simple Habits Backed by Neuroscience
What if there were easy routines that could actually rewire the brain for a more cheerful life in a society where happiness is so frequently perceived as being elusive?
Habit 1: Gratitude Rewires Neural Pathways
Gratitude is more than simply a transient feeling; it’s an effective tool that can change the neural networks in our brains. Start off with exploring the science behind gratitude journaling to see how writing down the good things in our lives can raise our dopamine and serotonin levels and rewire our brains for longer-lasting happiness.
Habit 2: The Neurological Effects of Giving
Have you ever felt the “helper’s high”? Small or large acts of kindness set off your brain’s reward system, which releases feel-good chemicals like oxytocin. Discover the brain underpinnings of altruism and how developing a practise of giving can lead to satisfaction in the individual who is the giver and the recipient.
Habit 3: The Effects of positive Self-Talk
More than we may realise, the way we speak to ourselves matters. Learn how using positive self-talk may…